Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Technological throwback

I thought I'd elaborate more on a topic that was discussed in class, because I feel like I could definitely "post 250-500 word items" on it.


vinyl, vinyl, everywhere, vinyl, vinyl...um...in my hair? grody.

In case you've been too busy downloading Super Mash Bros. or A.C. Newman from torrents or Limewire and haven't heard--word on the street is that vinyl is cool again, despite the more widespread popularity of CDs and digital music.

Everyone has an opinion on it, whether they love it, hate it, or want to make bowls and ashtrays out of it. I am one of the third group.

I appreciate vinyl for its aesthetic, tangible aspect. Yeah, the sound quality is better, but I'm a person who doesn't really care about HD television or Bose headphones. It's nice, but I'm not enough of an audio- or video-phile to really care--and then again, I never grew up with vinyl. I like the immediacy and portability of digital music. Whether or not the quality is superb, I'm still going to do a little dance (hoping no one notices and thinks I'm a bit loony) when "Guilty Pleasure" from my own guilty pleasure, Cobra Starship, comes on my iPod while I'm walking to class. The main reason I like vinyl is for the art. Call me shallow, but it has that trendy, vintage appeal that's been growing in popularity over the past few years. It connotates a sort of knowledge of what came before, "back in the day" when none of us were actually alive. And that's cool now, I guess.

There is one fact, though, that no one can dispute:
It looks really cool on my wall.

PS (for the discerning viewer)--The Pulp Fiction sleeve above is actually a video laserdisc.


Susan said...

I am totally with you on vinyl as aesthetically pleasing. I, too, am an ipod lover. The best experience I ever had with vinyl is when I discovered a bunch of my parents old records in our basement. Just going through them and looking at the covers was pretty cool. CD covers now just can't compare. I just bought the new Bruce Sprinsteen CD and the cover is Bruce and it's artsy, but it just doesn't have the same feel as when I was looking at his old albums. The look of them is definitely a key part to their appeal.

Spencer Ernst said...

I definately agree with you.. At my house we have a record player, and it really sounds cool hearing records played this way, but I'm more interested in their vintage appeareance. It sounds to me like you know some cool places to get old records... I definately want to start collecting but I don't have a clue where I can buy them. There must be a few indie shops scattered around the d.c. area that have them,and you sound like you might know where they are. If so let me know. Thanks!

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