Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fausto the Filler Fish

So as I'm writing, my roommate, a mutual friend, and I are all "doing homework". My Facebook Online Friend count is rising, as it is wont to do around 10pm on a weeknight when everyone in the dorm is procrastinating. Hence, my "Working Out" playlist is interrupted only by the "message recieved" pops of Facebook Chat and the occasional buzz of a text message.

I think the only living thing completely unaffected by technology in my room is my fish, Fausto.

We all love Fausto, and his ability to fill up the page.

The purpose of this blog is to talk about New Media Frontiers like Facebook and Twitter, etc. since they control my life, and the lives of many other college students. Seriously. The mutual friend just said that he needs to buy sneakers for the gym, to which I replied, "Let's get some shoes," a la Liam Kyle Sullivan without even thinking about it. It's a little bothersome. But this first post is really just a test run to see if everything works. Apparently pictures do.

My friend just chatted me asking when a good time would be to go to the convenience store together. My reply-- "NOW! ZOOM!"
I'm feeling a little stir-crazy from being plugged into my entertainment all the time, and from staring at calculus homework for what seems like approximately ten years smushed into however long it's been since dinner. And tonight the moon looks like a smile.

1 comment:

JS said...

Your reference to "Shoes" just goes to show how viral YouTube videos have become a part of our culture.

I am also a fan of "Muffins" and "Charlie the Unicorn" :)

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